Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Funny Kid Quote of the Week

[Funny Kid Quotes (FKQs) appear here every week. Check back next week, and if you have one of your own, email it to me at]

This one comes from my friend Ilsa:

My 2-year-old: "Mommy screams at me and makes me nuts." I screamed at him twice in 6 months. But I once told him that when HE screams at me it makes me nuts. So for a month, he freely announced "Mommy screams at me and makes me nuts" to several people. So I told him, "Even if mommy gets mad and screams, she loves you." So naturally, for sometime after, he'd repeat "Mommy screams at me" every time I said "I love you."

At about 19 months he started announcing, "Sometimes mommy drinks wine." Luckily, not at the local church.

Another current quote: "I prefer that I do." is his answer to "Mateo, please don't do x or y."

1 comment:

  1. Love that. My favorite from my 8 year old: realizing how it affected her when her older sister and I "fought", I said "Mommy is thinking about you when I'm mad at your sister. I'm thinking I wonder what's going on her in her mind and I better check in with her." She took that in. Next day when her sister and I got mad at each other again, she met me in the hall after the door was closed in my face and said...."Are you thinking of me now?" What could I say but "Yes, honey, what do you need?"
