Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Where do you doubt yourself as a parent?

Let's share the pain a little. Where are you insecure when it comes to the way you parent? I'll start:

I worry that I control my kids too much. Scott and I just had a conversation about whether we’re too strict with our 9-year-old. The danger would be that we're “breaking his spirit” by expecting too much, demanding too much, praising only for conforming to our standards. I wonder if I shelter him too much, discourage him from taking risks too much, and am unintentionally creating a “people-pleaser.” I don’t want to reign him in too tightly, too often.

But I DO want him to be a good person who knows how to tell himself “no” and how to handle it when things don’t go the way he wants them to. A person who is kind and respectful of others.

As Scott and I talk further about this tightrope we walk, we acknowledge that sometimes we’ll be too strict. Sometimes we’ll be too lenient. Sometimes we’ll over-react, and sometimes we’ll under-react. And sometimes we might just get it right. (Though our kids will likely not see it that way.)

Anyway, that's the fear I'm dealing with today. How about you? Where do you doubt yourself as a parent? If you feel like sharing, add your comment below.

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